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Salma J. Acosta

LA city hall and Griffith Observatory Dodgers Stadium and Chinatown being surrounded by hands and flowers with gradient pink and yellow background


"Los Angeles is home to a wide variety of individuals who contribute to the city’s diversity and provide access to individuals outside of Los Angeles. We all have a significant impact on Los Angeles, and together, our diversity of color, culture, and personalities make it the most vibrant and stunning city on earth. Because of this, I used the phrase “Juntos Somos mas Fuertes” at this point. Everyone in Los Angeles strengthens both us and the city as a whole. To represent the diversity in Los Angeles, I utilized a variety of flowers from various origins. The hands clutching the most iconic structures in Los Angeles are a nod to how we helped to create the city. Because Los Angeles has so many murals and other works of art, which give the city its vibrancy and life, I wanted this poster to strongly resemble one, and in last, I used the background colors orange and yellow to represent the beautiful sunset that Los Angeles tends to always have." -- Salma J. Acosta